Sunday, January 22, 2012

Six Months

It is hard to believe that my baby girl is already six months, but on the other hand it seems like she has been in this family for ever. She is now six months and growing fast. She is a very petite girl, not much to her, but her personality makes up for lack of weight. She absolutely loves her brothers and enjoys watching them play. She definitely wants to be part of the crowd. If we are eating dinner at the table and she is somewhere else she gets upset because she wants to be apart of the conversation. She rolls over both ways like a champ, and will sit up by herself for awhile until she gets excited about something and falls over. In the past week she is really trying to crawl. She gets quite frustrated when she can't get anywhere. I feel it won't be long before she takes off!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Back on Track

After the holiday's everyone is eager to commit to a New Year's resolution and most of them will say, "Loose Weight." Well I have to say my first resolution was to see my brother's more. Unfortunately they do not live near me and seeing them twice a year is just not enough. I want them to be more apart of their lives and us apart of theirs. My other, yes, is to get healthier. So here is the menu for this week!!

Sunday- Oven chicken strips with roasted baby reds and broccoli.
Monday- Coffee rubbed steak with beet and apple salad and Grandma Gardner's bread.
Tuesday- Meatloaf with roasted brussel sprouts.
Wednesday- Chicken Fajitas with black beans and corn relish.
Thursday- Roman Style chicken with farro salad.
Friday- Spaghetti and Meatballs with salad.
Saturday- BBQ beef sammi with oven fries!!

Dessert for the week:  Oatmeal cookies!!!
Of course when I say I am eating healthier, all these meals are a healthier version of the traditional. So we will see how the family likes them.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas With The Bailey's

Of course Christmas has to start by decorating and that includes finding a tree. I love decorating, it gets me in the holiday cheer!! Yes, I am one of those people that have to have Christmas decorations right after Thanksgiving. Every year we go into the woods and cut our own tree; and anyone who knows me, just any old tree won't work, it has to be the perfect one. This year we convinced my mom and dad not to buy a tree, but to come with us into the woods, and like her daughter my mom also has to have the perfect tree. My mom did find her perfect tree, but I don't think it would have fit in their house. It was a little big.

Christmas Eve started with breakfast at the Bailey ranch to celebrate Rob's sister's birthday. Rob's sister and my brother have the same birthday, Christmas Eve. Happy Birthday Tyler and Diana!!!!

Christmas Eve night we went to Rob's aunt's for some good finger foods, drinks, and we even got a visit from Santa clause!! The kids we extremely excited! This is the first year that Tucker has been really into Santa, so it has been fun to see him get excited about seeing Santa and telling him what he would like for Christmas!!! Kemper however was not interested AT ALL. Didn't want to have anything to do with Santa or even the fact that he had a present for him.

Then it was back home to set out the stockings, a cookie and a glass of milk. I can't even explain the enthusiasm that Tucker had with all the festivities. Then it was to bed for the kids, and time for Mom and Dad to play Santa and set out the gifts.
This year Christmas was spent with Rob's family, while mine was in Grass Valley. As you can see, all three kids slept in the same bed Christmas and woke up not so early. That is fine with me, because I know the early mornings on Christmas are yet to come, so for now I will enjoy the sleeping in. They woke around 8:30 and we opened gifts from santa and gifts from Mom and Dad!! Tucker got a lot of Star Wars toys. This kid is extremely into Star Wars, he could tell you all about it. Kemper loves trains, so he got Thomas the Train set; very fun to put together. And Sammi, the only thing she is into is food, so that is what she got.
Then later that day we went to the Bailey ranch for dinner and of course more gift opening. Today was an especially exciting day, because my brother Tyler proposed to his girlfriend of two years. I am so excited for them both, and love my future sister-in-law, after all we named our baby girl after you!:) I have always wanted my brothers to find the same overwhelming joy that I have in my marriage, and I am so glad that Tyler found it. I love you both!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012


Happy New Year Everyone!!! I hope all of you enjoyed the holiday's. Ever since our first child, Tucker, was born, Rob and I decided to split our holiday's with our families. Even though it is difficult for us to part with our family it has made it much more relaxed and enjoyable, not rushing from one house to the next.
This year Thanksgiving was spent with my family. Due to the fact that my brothers could not come home, we decided to go to them. So, we traveled the five hours to the city to Tyler and Sam's.
We enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with Sam's Mom and her family, got to go the Arts and Science Museum in San Francisco, and the Hiller Helicopter Museum in San Mateo. My husband was like a kid in a candy store at the helicopter museum. He has such a love and passion for helicopters that I can not even explain, but he would be flying one right now if he could.

Sunday we headed home. Traveling with the kids didn't seem all that pleasant at first, but let me tell you, for five hours in a car, they did amazing. We loved seeing Tyler and Sam's new place and being able to share Thanksgiving with them.